05: Hanna accepts a bet that could kill her. 4.63
05: A huntress finds an amnesiac knight. 4.65
05: Cat-woman, Sharesh, finds out the hard way. 4.68
05: A young apprentice discovers he's not alone. 4.79
05: The dual apprentices discover wizardry doesn't solve all. 4.69
05: Crissa and Wenn move deeper into the murky heights. 4.78
05: Crissa goes forth to discover the evidence against Wenn. 4.79
05: Crissa and Peris bribe guards to discover facts. 4.70
05: Crissa and Peris launch a rescue attempt into an asylum. 4.78
05: Peris seeks aid, the bad guys plot and scheme 4.66
06: Crissa, Peris, and Kennet are attacked. 4.79
06: Crissa teaches Kennet that non-elves can be fun, too. 4.73
05: Sharesh the cat-woman takes on a tough assignment. 4.85
05: Lad & his dwarven buddy set out on a walkabout. 4.72
05: She makes a rash vow to save her would-be lover's life. 4.79
05: A barbarian sailor finds himself thrown overboard. 4.75
05: Huntsman, Trevir, comes across a damsel in distress, 4.63
05: Amelea finds a pleasant way out of debt. 4.71
05: Violinist Deanara finds someone immune to her talent. 4.80