16: Prologue : Fabresio feels something he's never felt before. 4.10
16: Fabresio and Maria share a night together. 4.18
16: Fabresio and Maria's relationship takes new turns. 4.47
16: Maria takes another man to her bed. 4.50
16: Fabresio and Maria spend a night at the brothel. 3.94
16: Fabresio and Maria go on a journey to the East. 4.50
16: Fabresio sand Maria concoct a plan. 4.62
16: Fabresio and Maria finally get what they want. 4.67
16: Bad Kitty meets an "innocent" bar wench. 4.23
16: Bad Kitty meets two unorthodox sisters. 4.54
16: Bad Kitty meets an elf on the road. 4.31
16: Bad Kitty meets a whore. 4.55
16: Bad Kitty spends some time in a fancy manor. 4.67